Unlimited Colors
Magic Cursor

Cyber Cute Pet

Cool Fox Wise Innocent Reliable Free Resourceful Rich Cool Brave Kind Lenient HODL

Cyber Cool Club

Community Cooperative Creative Optimistic Wealthy

A super community based on mixin network.

A high-end community focusing on incubation and investment projects.

Only by holding "CyberCoolApe NFT" can you become a member through authentication.

'CoolFoxes NFT' is the club's first community equity program.

Chao Wang

Creative Designer Developer Freelancer

  • 穿越未来看现在
  • Mixin ID: 37373824

About Me

Hello! My name is Chao Wang. I was once an entrepreneur, involved in finance, medical and design. At present, I focus on the creation of NFT. I am full of enthusiasm for the great development of mixin network .Thanks to the participation of excellent members of the club, we will create more excellent works.

About CoolFoxes

Each fox has different characteristics and is divided into different levels. They are friends of cool apes in cyberworld in 2050. In the future, foxes will wear mecha to form a team and fight side by side with cool apes to solve the disharmony in cyberspace.

Creative Portfolio

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